Portal 7 report properties

You can configure your Portal 7 report using the following properties:

Property Description
Object / value renderers

See also: Chapter Object renderer component .


This shows what content you have configured for the Portal.

When switching objects always activate the first tab

Activated: When you open / navigate to an object in the Portal, the first tab is always opened in the object view.

Disabled: When you open / navigate to an object in the Portal, the tab that was last opened in the previous object is opened in the object view.


Here you can see which contents you have configured for the navigation bar.

See also: Chapter Configure navigation.

Searched categories

Here you can see for which categories you have activated the search in the Portal.

See also: Chapter Extend search results.

Hero message Here you can enter a text that will be displayed in the Portal on the homepage.
Print reports Here you can store the print reports that are to be available in the Portal.
Disable selection for Here you can store categories whose objects cannot be selected in the Portal.
Process overview

Here you can see which process overviews you have configured.

See also: Chapter Configure process overviews.

Disable default display for

Here you can define categories and objects for which the standard display should not be shown in the Portal. This is only useful if you have configured a separate view for the category or object.

Show column charts

This property is used to display column charts in the Portal. If a freehand diagram is modeled for an object, the column diagram is displayed in another tab.

Column chart colors Here you can define the colors of the column charts. Enter the hexadecimal code of the colors separated by semicolons (e.g. C3CDD3;A5D4D5;A6D1E1).
Additional actions Here you can see which additional actions you have configured.
SmartModel view Here you can reference a process overview that is displayed in the Portal for a process in the SmartModel view.
Matrix view Here you can reference a process overview that is displayed in the Portal for a process in the Matrix view.
Process sheet Here you can reference a process overview that is displayed in the Portal for a process in the process sheet view.
Font icon Here you can select a Font Awesome icon to be displayed for the report in the SystemAdministration.
Web styles
Use database stylesheet

Activated: The stylesheets that are stored in the database are also used for the Portal

Disabled: The stylesheets stored in the database are not used for the Portal.


Here you can enter the connection properties for your WebAnalytics.

Allow anonymous sessions

Enabled: Portal content can also be viewed without logging into the Portal (Anonymous user).

Attention: If you operate Aeneis via a cloud, this property must not be enabled.

Disabled: In order to view Portal content, the user must log in to the Portal.

Background image Here you can store an image that will be displayed in the login dialog.
Login information Here you can store a text that will be displayed in the login dialog when the question mark icon is clicked.
Display version hints

Displays a hint in the browser tab if the opened object is versioned in the Portal.

Display acknowledge information

Displays a notification when the logged-in user needs to acknowledge an object version.

See also: Chapter Acknowledge version.

Collapse initially

Activated: The navigation bar in the Portal is collapsed initally and can be expanded manually.

Disabled: The navigation bar in the Portal is expanded initially and can be collapsed manually.

Show icons

Activated: Icons are displayed for the navigation bar entries.

Disabled: The navigation bar entries are displayed without icons.

Show labels

Activated: The navigation bar entries are displayed with their labels.

Disabled: The navigation bar entries are displayed with no labels (text).

Show tooltips

Activated: Tooltips are displayed for the navigation entries when hovering over them.

Disabled: No tooltips are displayed for the navigation entries.


Here you can store a logo that will be displayed in the menu bar of the Portal.

Maximum number of levels Here you can enter the maximum number of levels to be displayed in the navigation bar.
Show homepage

Activated: The Homepage navigation entry is displayed in the navigation bar. Users can navigate to the homepage via this navigation entry and by clicking on the logo in the menu bar.

Disabled: No entry for the homepage is displayed in the navigation bar. Users can navigate to the homepage by clicking on the logo in the menu bar.

Show "My Portal" button

Activated: The navigation entry My Dashboard is displayed in the navigation bar.

Disabled: The My Dashboard navigation entry is not displayed in the navigation bar.

Navigation info text Here you can insert a text or graphics that will be displayed in the Portal at the bottom of the navigation bar.

This shows what content you have configured for the homepage.

See also: Chapter Configure homepage.

Colors The colors that are set for the Portal theme via the theme editor are stored here.
CI colors for color selection

The color codes that are set as CD colors for the quick selection in the Theme Editor are displayed here. You can also adjust or extend the color codes here. The changes are then displayed in the Theme Editor.

Prefer working draft Always shows the working draft of an object first, even if it is versioned.